On 2009-05-28 21:51 PDT, tito wrote:

> I am making a CA site for my college project purpose.I learned that
> different browsers use different methods to generate CSR.Making CSR in
> IE was easy.For vista systems I used CertEnroll.dll methods and for
> non-vista IE i used xenroll.dll.I generated CSR in javascript
> successfully using that. it is in PKCS10.
> I want to make my project compatible for mozilla and opera too
> i want to do the same for mozilla too but i guess mozilla method doesnt
> generate PKCS10 format.


> Then i came across generateCRMF and keygen tags..keygen is not
> recommended i guess.

Both methods are fully supported.  They have different capabilities.
Pick the one that does what you want (or comes closest to it).

> how to sign the CRMF request key i get in openssl ?
> if i am using keygen tag, i think it gives SPKAC format..can we sign
> SPKAC using openssl ?

> i am able to generate CRMF and SPKAC..but doesnt know how to sign those
> in openssl.please help me in regard with this..

I believe that OpenSSL has facilities to handle both formats, SPKAC and
CRMF.  But having said that, I cannot offer you any help to issue certs
based on those forms of requests using OpenSSL.  Sorry.  That's a question
for an OpenSSL forum, as someone else also wrote in this thread.
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