I have a DB that has just shy of 7000 keys/certs in it. From the command line using certutil -L takes ~5 mins or so and then finally starts showing output all at once after the delay. It ends up using 80-90MB of ram (according to task manager). certutil -K, however, starts listing keys right away with no delay, all 6957 of them.

Do you have an idea of a # that I should stay below to avoid this behavior or have you not really tested this most likely not-too-common case? I understand the development of NSS is directed primarily to the need of the commercial organizations funding it and those server products normally wouldn't have a need for ~7000 key/cert pairs.

The problem first manifested itself while I was running a Java app and called the JSS method PK11Store.getCertificates() which calls the native method PK11Store.putCertsInVector(Vector certs).

This is with cert8.db and key3.db formats.

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