On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Anders
Rundgren<anders.rundg...@telia.com> wrote:
> PKCS #10?  I guess you really meant PKCS #11.
> I'm not aware of any such profile.  There is smart card profile
> but I doubt it has much to do with PKCS #11, it is rather about
> 7816.

You're right, PKCS#11.


But what is "7861"?

> Anyway, the way Firefox is linked to PKCS #11 is probably OK
> in Linux-land.
> However, in Windows-land where 80% of all users live it doesn't fill
> the bill.

If it's a standard component, with a standard interface, then there's
no reason at all for the OS not to support it.  I just don't have any
USB devices which support that profile to test.

> BTW, we still don't have a credible system for *remote* provisioning of
> smart cards on any OS, so we shouldn't expect too much progress here
> because PKCS #11 can't do that job actually!

There are multiple reasons why we can't do that job:

1) There is no "credible remote provisioning" because there's no
"credible third-party manufacturer" or "third-party trusted authority"
that banks will allow.
2) There is no "credible remote provisioning" protocol.
3) There is no desire at/for the bank to allow smart-card login,
because there are alternatives that are more useful.

(For example, Bank of America will text my celphone an RSA
SecurID-like number whenever I try to log into my account.  This shows
two separate types of authentication: something I know and something I
have.  Unless both the phone and the network are both tapped and
redirected by Mallory, it's unlikely to be a problem.  And, let's face
it: the US government has access to my financial records anyway.)

> Kyle Hamilton wrote:
>> USB does actually have a PKCS#10 device reader profile.  If you were
>> to extend that by adding a generic "oh, it also has a device in a slot
>> that performs these functions" layer that was exposed through the
>> device-reader profile, it would be universal -- and universally
>> implemented in the platform itself.
>> -Kyle H
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