Moving discussion to, but do go ahead and file
bugs. I doubt 3.5 behaves any differently than 3.0 (you did mean 3.0.10,
right? If you're using Firefox 2 please stop).

nk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am researching the window.crypto.generatedCRMFRequest() function
> available on FireFox (I am using FF 2.0.10).
> Now, if requested keys are for signing - everything looks good.
> But if requested keys are for key exchange (e.g. "rsa-ex"), the
> generated CRMF request structure has a number of issues.
> Here are the issues I am facing:
> 1) A PKIArchiveOptions control is included (
> rfc4211.txt, section 6.4). The EncryptedKey structure in it is encoded
> as a SEQUENCE while it actually is a CHOICE. Our CRMF decoder is
> throwing as soon as it sees this structure. Shall I raise a bug ?
> 2) The EncryptedKey is encoded as the now deprecated EncryptedValue
> structure. Is there a plan to encode the value with EnvelopedData
> structure any time soon ?
> 3) Finally, the ProofOfPossession structure looks broken in this
> scenario as what we see is: A2 05 80 03 00 03 00, which does not seem
> to relate to any of the permitted options desrcibed in RFC 4211,
> section 4. FYI: If CRMF request contains cert request for a signing
> key pair the ProofOfPossession is valid (a correct instance of
> POPOSigningKey) and is correctly verified by our decoder.
> Does anyone know if these issues have been addressed in FF 3.5 and if
> not, will they be addressed in the next releases of FF ?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Nikolai Koustov.
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