On 2009-08-12 03:43 PDT, Rishi Renjith wrote:
> Hello, 
> I tried creating a NSS database, linking it with crypto card and
> connecting using apache mod_nss. Everything works fine, except that the
> *rsaprivate *jobs are not getting increased in the kstat of the card. 

This is essentially the same issue that Rishi reported yesterday.
I think he is not seeing our replies.

> *bash-3.00# modutil -list -dbdir . *
> Listing of PKCS #11 Modules

>   2. Sun Crypto Accelerator
>         library name: /usr/lib/libpkcs11.so
>          slots: 2 slots attached
>         status: loaded
>          slot: Sun Metaslot
>         token: Sun Metaslot
>          slot: Sun Crypto Softtoken
>         token: Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken

There's obviously no crypto accelerator there.

> Generating key.  This may take a few moments...
> Enter Password or Pin for "Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken":

The above prompt confirms that the key was generated in Sun's pure
software token, not in the SCA 6000 crypto accelerator token.

When the SCA 6000 is properly configured, it shows up as one of the slot
and tokens in the list of slots and tokens (shown above) for the module
/usr/lib/libpkcs11.so.  I searched today through Sun's public documentation
trying to find out how to register the SCA 6000 with the MetaSlot so that
it would show up in that list, and could not find any documentation about
that.  :(


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