On 2009-08-21 12:39 PDT, Neil wrote:
> Polly wrote:
>> Neil wrote:
>>> Polly wrote:
>>>> Tom, you asked what third party DLLs I'm using -- it's the openssl
>>>> DLLs ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll.
>>> One possible alternative might be to rewrite your code to use NSS?
>> Thanks for the suggestion. As it happens, my requirements were for
>> using AES, and it was my understanding that NSS's functionality is
>> exposed in Firefox via PSM, and that PSM doesn't presently support AES.
>> But as I said, I'm pretty wet behind the ears with Firefox, and would
>> love to hear from more experienced devs if I've got this wrong.
> Cross-posting to mozilla.dev.tech.crypto in case someone there can 
> enlighten you.

Thanks, Neil.

NSS certainly supports AES.  NSS offers a C API.
PSM is the primary provider of XPCOM wrappers for NSS.  I'm not aware of
what raw symmetric encryption capabilities PSM offers to the users of its
XPCOM interfaces.  Sadly, few PSM developers hang out here.

PSM is not the only way to call NSS functions.  PSM manages the loading,
initializing, shutting down, and unloading of NSS.  Calling NSS through
PSM has the potential advantage of avoiding all the potential problems of
calling NSS while it is unloaded and/or uninitialized.  But if some other
code is certain that NSS is loaded and initialized, then it could call
NSS directly.  Unfortunately, all the follow-on questions that one might
anticipate in response to that introduction are really PSM questions,
and I'm not the PSM answer man. :(
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