On 02/20/2010 12:22 AM, Eddy Nigg:
On 02/19/2010 08:59 PM, Jean-Marc Desperrier:
I just tried configuring a similar configuration, and thought more and more whilst doing that it doesn't make sense, that it can't fail in the way you described. And it doesn't (with two ports, but it definitively would be the same with two IP).

But I met whilst configuring it a problem that *could* be the cause of your problem.

Did you configure the "SSLVerifyClient require" option of the second virtual server on the *root* of the second virtual host ?

Actually not, only on a particular location. However I wonder how that should make a difference in case the only connection is made to a particular URL.

It must not be inside a sub-directory, or you will get a renegotiation error, even if your URL directly points to that directory.

And the logical explanation to that would be? Obviously we'll make some further test along your comments, just wonder where the difference is.

Apparently it does works - sort of. Still some way to go if this can / will go into production. But I consider it pure luck so far...Apache performs a renegotiation when none is needed when configuring client authentication at a particular location, is there a logical explanation for that? Or even considered correct implementation?


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