Hi Sunny,
I haven't heard about Message Pro.

Here is an open source (free) applet plugin:


It is used in Denmark and maybe somewhere else as well.

In Sweden the government has spent some $30M over the years on:


IMO, both solutions are inferior but since they are actually used
it doesn't really matter :-)

It interesting to note that many signature plugins come with an
authentication plugin which unifies the PKI GUI which using TLS
is quite terrible.

Some crypto people think that replacing TLS-client-cert-auth with
an application-level authentication mechanism is a bad thing but there
are tons with drawbacks using TLS-client-cert-auth and there is no
hope for improvements and the alternatives are already in place.
Even USPTO have selected an Java applet for PKI login...


Sunny wrote:
Hi Anders,
      Thanks for your mail. Is there any proprietary solution that's
named Message Pro or so??

On Apr 6, 5:26 pm, Anders Rundgren <anders.rundg...@telia.com> wrote:

Since there are no standards in this space most banks and e-governments
use proprietary (but cross-browser) Java plugins.  In the EU there are at
least 10 different national schemes.

Chrome and Safari presumably do not support any pre-configured solution
since no such solution has gotten any traction worth mentioning.

There is a lot of stuff you can buy though...


Sunny wrote:
    I'm not able to find any literature on the topic of Signing data
using Digital Certificates with JS in Safari browser.
like, in Firefox, we have window.crypto.signtext() method that you can
call from Java script to select a certificate and sign the data using
the certificate.
For IE, we have a CAPICOM plug-in to do that.
Do we have anything in chrome/safari that will help signing using
Digital Certificates in java script? Please let me know.

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