On 2010/05/07 12:16 PDT, Klaus Heinrich Kiwi wrote:
> On Tue, 04 May 2010 09:28:58 -0700
> Nelson B Bolyard <nel...@bolyard.me> wrote:

>> It's all handled by the SSL library.
> Nelson,
>  but when implementing a PKCS#11 token, we should be performing the
>  PKCS#11 v1.5 padding for the CKM_RSA_PKCS method, right?

Your PKCS#11 module must implement the mechanisms as defined by PKCS#11.
It's up to NSS's SSL library to choose the right mechanism for the job
at hand.  For SSL 3.0, it will choose CKM_RSA_PKCS.  For SSL 2, it will
choose CKM_RSA_X_509 so that it can handle the non-standard padding.

>  Should we worry about the PKCS padding specified in SSLv2
>  "compatibility mode"? 

>  Should we use the 'all random' version or the 'last 8 bytes with 0x03'
>  version?

See above.

>  We're trying to identify why our implementation works OK with TLSv1
>  while it fails with SSLv3. It all looks the same from a PKCS#11
>  point-of-view

None of the issues above differ between SSL3 and TLS.  They differ between
SSL2 and SSL3/TLS.

I think you should focus on the areas that differ between SSL3 and TLS,
which are numerous, but not here.  Key derivations are all different.
I'd look there next.
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