On 24. 10. 2010 20:59, Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
On 2010-10-24 02:12 PDT, Matej Kurpel wrote:
You can clearly see both my CA and user certificates. Certutil has used
my PKCS#11 module to obtain my user certificate. Then I launched the
second commany you were suggesting:

certutil -d . -L -n "HTC Touch HD T8282:Matej Kurpel"

Now it popped up a message that certutil.exe has stopped working. From
my PKCS11-spy logs it's apparent that it searched for the certificate,
found it, got some of its atttributes, and then searched for a private
key belonging to this certificate (and found it): FindObjectsInit -
FindObjects - FindObjectsFinal. That's all it did and then crashed.
Looks like something is wrong with my certificate but how can I check it
when certutil is crashing?
Maybe something is wrong with your PKCS#11 module, or maybe something is
wrong with certutil.  What does the stack backtrace from the crash show you?

excuse my n00b-ness :) but I don't know how to get the stack trace. I wanted to create the certutil project in VC++ and compile and debug it there but I couldn't find a header file "prcpucfg.h" which, according to google, had yet to be generated by make (grrr...). So I went to compile NSS myself. I did everything according to this page: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/buildnss_32.html But after launching the final step, "gmake nss_build_all", all I get are some errors:

Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-ne'
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type '2>&1', object f
ile assumed
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type '|', object file
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'sed', object fi
le assumed
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 's|.* \([0-9]\+\
.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?\).*|\1|p', object file assumed
gmake: *** No rule to make target `ns_build_all'.  Stop.

Google provides no solutions. I am starting to tear my hair out when it comes to these annoying trouble with compiling and all the C/C++ stuff, when nothing works as it should. Please help me :(

M. Kurpel
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