On 06/13/2011 10:24 AM, Robert Relyea wrote:
>>> /Nelson Bolyard
>> In that case is there any alternative to moving a key to different
>> slot.
>> THe  doc at 
>> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tech-notes/tn5.html
>> tells -To move a Symmetric key
>> PK11SymKey *destSymKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(destslot, wrapMech,
>> CKA_UNWRAP?, origSymKey);
>> Thanks
> PK11_MoveSymKey... signature found in pk11pub.h.

NOTE: This function works hard to move the key, but it's still possible
for this to fail. If the key is stored non-extractable, or it can't find
an appropriate asymmetric algorithm in which to use to do key exchange.
On the other hand, it it's possible to move the key, it will be moved.

If you look at the function , it basicall calls pk11_CopyToSlotPerm,
which allows you to move a key to a token key instead of just a session
key if you want.

> bob

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