Hi ,
 I have a couple of questions regarding the RSa encrypt/decrypt
 1. PK11PubencryptRaw  does not support any padding ,  So it will
Encrypt data only = to the modulus length .is that correct? So what
happens if data is less than modulus length? It does not seem to fail
if you give the modulus_len to the PK11_PubEncryptRaw. But not always
it creates the right results while decrypting.
So , should the length of the data being encrypted and decrypted
should be exactly  the same as modulus length ?

2. If I use PK11_pubEncryptPKCS1 to encrypt the data (no matter what
length, data which is successful iusing PK11_PubEncrypt/decryptRaw) I
get error -8023.

How can I use PKCS1 padding encrypt/decrypt in NSS?

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