I solved the problem by generating the key pair with "isPerm" to be PR_FALSE, 
and then importing the private key using 

Best Regards,
Weizhong Qiang

On Jan 31, 2012, at 7:28 AM, weizhong qiang wrote:

> hi Robert and others,
> See the attachment for more complete test case of generating and reading a 
> key.
> I found if I set the "isPerm" parameter to be PR_FALSE (see line 78 of the 
> test case), the private key is not sensitive.
> If I set the "isPerm" parameter to be PR_TRUE, then not mater the 
> "IsSensitive" (the next parameter after "isPerm") is PR_TRUE or PR_FALSE, the 
> private key always sensitive. 
> Is it a feature?
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Weizhong Qiang
> <test_nssprivatekey.cpp>
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:16 PM, weizhong qiang wrote:
>> hi,
>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 6:52 PM, Robert Relyea wrote:
>>> On 01/26/2012 11:53 PM, weizhong qiang wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> I did found that the CKA_SENSITIVE is "true" by using the following code:
>>>>       rv = PK11_ReadRawAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, privKey, 
>>>> CKA_SENSITIVE,&value);
>>>>       if (rv != SECSuccess) {
>>>>         NSSUtilLogger.msg(ERROR, "Failed to read CKA_SENSITIVE attribute 
>>>> from private key.");
>>>>       }
>>>>      if ((value.len == 1)&&  (value.data != NULL))
>>>>         std::cout<<  !!(*(CK_BBOOL*)value.data)<<std::endl;
>>>> But I did set sensitive parameter to be PR_FALSE when generate the key 
>>>> pair, see the following:
>>>> *privk = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN,&rsaParams,
>>>>       pubk, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, NULL);
>>>> How could the key still be sensitive? Is there anywhere that I should set?
>>> Hmm, your right, that doesn't seem right. Do you have a simple test case 
>>> that reproduces this?
>> Yes, Please see the following attachment for the test case. If you would 
>> help, you need to change the path of nss db, and certname, password etc.
>> <mail_about_privatekey.rtf>
>>> Also which version of NSS are you running?
>> Name: NSS
>> Description: Mozilla Network Security Services
>> Version: 3.12.9+ckbi-1.82
>>> Are you sure that slot points to the internal token?
>> Yes, you can see the code of test case, I explicitly point to the internal 
>> token.
>>> Are you in FIPS mode? (in which case you don't have a choice on sensitive 
>>> or not).
>> I did not enable FIPS mode. I suppose FIPS will not be enabled by default?
>> Best Regard,
>> Weizhong Qiang
>>> NSS uses exactly this method to generate a key it's going to load into a 
>>> token that doesn't support CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN.
>>> bob
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Weizhong Qiang
>>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 6:57 PM, Robert Relyea wrote:
>>>>> On 01/26/2012 07:55 AM, weizhong qiang wrote:
>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 4:44 PM, helpcrypto helpcrypto wrote:
>>>>>>> AFAIK, returning or not the attributes from an object, depends on the 
>>>>>>> token.
>>>>>> Everything I am operating is on the nss internal softoken.
>>>>> Right softoken enforces good hygiene.
>>>>> In truth, access to those attributes are controlled through a couple of 
>>>>> other attributes:
>>>>> CKA_PRIVATE - access to the object requires authentication.
>>>>> CKA_SENSITIVE - direct access to the sensitive/private attributes of this 
>>>>> object is prohibitted.
>>>>> CKA_EXTRACTABLE - this object can be extracted from the token.
>>>>> If Private is set, then you need to log in to do any of the actions below.
>>>>> If both Sensitve and Extractable is set, then you can extract the object 
>>>>> by wrapping it, but you can't access the unencrypted attributes.
>>>>> If Senstive is FALSE and Extractable is TRUE, you can either extract the 
>>>>> object by wrapping it, or by reading the attributes directly.
>>>>> If Extractable  is FALSE, then you can't extract the object at all 
>>>>> (either by wrapping it or by reading the attributes directly).
>>>>> Most tokens set Extratable to FALSE.
>>>>> bob
>>>>>>> I recommend you reading about CKO_PRIVATE_KEY on PKCS#11 standard to
>>>>>>> understand what can be happening.
>>>>>>> For example if token=card, CKA_PRIME_1 *musnt* be on the card, as far
>>>>>>> is not *needed* to do cryptographic operations.
>>>>>>> El día 26 de enero de 2012 14:08, weizhong qiang
>>>>>>> <weizhongqi...@gmail.com>   escribió:
>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>> Is there a fact that nss does not permit the reading of the attribute 
>>>>>>>> Because with all of the eight attributes, it is possible to compose 
>>>>>>>> the content of the private key, but the outputting of private key is 
>>>>>>>> not allowed in nss?
>>>>>>>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Weizhong Qiang
>>>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 9:43 AM, helpcrypto helpcrypto wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Is eny error shown at NSSUtilLogger.msg(ERROR, "Failed to read
>>>>>>>>> attribute %x from private key.", type); ?
>>>>>>>>> El día 25 de enero de 2012 17:04, weizhong qiang
>>>>>>>>> <weizhongqi...@gmail.com>   escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I tried to get the attributes from a private key (see the following 
>>>>>>>>>> code piece). But only the CKA_MODULUS and CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT can be 
>>>>>>>>>> got, others (CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT etc.) can not be got.
>>>>>>>>>> Could you tell me how to solve it?
>>>>>>>>>> By the way, I generate rsa key pair without "sensitive" 
>>>>>>>>>> (PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN,&rsaParams, 
>>>>>>>>>> pubk, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE, NULL); ), so I suppose the private key is 
>>>>>>>>>> not protected by password, and can be output?
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Weizhong Qiang
>>>>>>>>>> /****************/
>>>>>>>>>> static bool ReadPrivKeyAttribute(SECKEYPrivateKey* key, 
>>>>>>>>>> CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, std::vector<uint8>* output) {
>>>>>>>>>>  SECItem item;
>>>>>>>>>>  SECStatus rv;
>>>>>>>>>>  rv = PK11_ReadRawAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, key, type,&item);
>>>>>>>>>>  if (rv != SECSuccess) {
>>>>>>>>>>    NSSUtilLogger.msg(ERROR, "Failed to read attribute %x from 
>>>>>>>>>> private key.", type);
>>>>>>>>>>    return false;
>>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>>>  output->assign(item.data, item.data + item.len);
>>>>>>>>>>  SECITEM_FreeItem(&item, PR_FALSE);
>>>>>>>>>>  return true;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> static bool ExportPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey* key, 
>>>>>>>>>> std::vector<uint8>* output) {
>>>>>>>>>>  PrivateKeyInfoCodec private_key_info(true);
>>>>>>>>>>  // Manually read the component attributes of the private key and 
>>>>>>>>>> build up
>>>>>>>>>>  // the PrivateKeyInfo.
>>>>>>>>>>  if (!ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_MODULUS, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.modulus()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.public_exponent()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.private_exponent()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_PRIME_1, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.prime1()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_PRIME_2, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.prime2()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_EXPONENT_1, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.exponent1()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_EXPONENT_2, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.exponent2()) ||
>>>>>>>>>>    !ReadPrivKeyAttribute(key, CKA_COEFFICIENT, 
>>>>>>>>>> private_key_info.coefficient())) {
>>>>>>>>>>    return false;
>>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>>>  return private_key_info.Export(output);
>>>>>>>>>> }
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