
On 1/12/2014 03:26, Kai Engert wrote:
Have you ever seen a TLS server that was incompatible with TLS session
Do you agree this is bug on the server side?

RFC 5246 section 7.3 says this :

   The client sends a ClientHello using the Session ID of the session to
   be resumed.  The server then checks its session cache for a match.
   If a match is found, and the server is willing to re-establish the
   connection under the specified session state, it will send a
   ServerHello with the same Session ID value.  At this point, both
   client and server MUST send ChangeCipherSpec messages and proceed
   directly to Finished messages.  Once the re-establishment is
   complete, the client and server MAY begin to exchange application
   layer data.  (See flow chart below.)  If a Session ID match is not
   found, the server generates a new session ID, and the TLS client and
   server perform a full handshake.

That last sentence is quite clear. The server is not compliant.

Should we attempt to
identify which TLS toolkits and versions show this broken behaviour?
That would be a good shaming exercise.

At least NSS/PSM currently don't expect such behaviour. We don't
automatically retry without a TLS session ID. Should we?
No. The fix belongs on the server side, not the client side.


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