On 09/03/14 22:59, Raphael Wegmann wrote:
What about creating a distributed hash-table, where we could count
collectively, which public-key has been used by a particular server
how often?
When I visit amazon.com and my browser tells me, that I am the only
one who got that public-key I'm having, I know immediately, that
I am not really communicating with Amazon.

If an MITM attack is pointing you at a fake Amazon, how are you going
to ensure the same attacker isn't going to show you a fake hash-table?

One possible answer is certificate pinning, but if you've used
Amazon.com before, certificate pinning can warn you it's using a
different key (and different CA) from last time without the table.


http://tack.io/index.html is an alternative with similar aims.

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