On 12/04/2014 02:00 PM, David Woodhouse wrote:
On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 10:33 -0800, Robert Relyea wrote:
That one. libnssckbi.so is what provides the default trust roots. It's
*always* supposed to be loaded in an NSS system. You shouldn't need to
add it manually. I don't.
Huh? that is not true. libnssckbi.so is loaded by nssysinit, or by the
application or by someone explicitly loading it into the
pkcs11.txt/secmod.db. It is not loaded automatically by every nss
OK... but applications such as firefox which actually want trust to work
should be loading it, right?
firefox loads libnssckbi.so only if not other 'Root Certs Module' has been loaded. the pk11-kit module is a Root Certs Module, so if it's been loaded, then libnssckbi.so isn't.

Yes, there are some applications which use NSS only for private crypto
purposes and don't need the trust roots, but Patrik seemed to be
suggesting that in RHEL, even Firefox wasn't loading libnssckbi.so until
he manually added it to pkcs11.txt/secmod.db.

I believe the p11-kit does some magic to get it loaded for mozilla and
the root store. Kai worked with stef to get that working, kai do you
recall how that hooks in?
I thought we really were just replacing libnssckbi.so with our own.
Which is fine as long as it's actually being loaded.
Sort of, It's not the same name, it's a different module, but it has the same attributes.


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