On Sun, 2015-05-10 at 12:07 -0700, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> On Sat, May 9, 2015 3:30 pm, David Woodhouse wrote:
> >  On Fri, 2015-05-08 at 15:07 -0700, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > > Yes, it should. You'll introduce your users to a host of security issues
> > > if you ignore them (especially for situations like Chrome). For example,
> > > if you did what you propose to do, you'd be exposing people's smart card
> > > modules to arbitrary sandboxed Chrome processes
> >
> >  So arbitrary sandboxes Chrome processes already have free rein to use
> >  certificates in my NSS database? Isn't that a problem *already*? And if
> >  people ever want to use the PKCS#11 token in their web browser, they're
> >  going to need to expose it anyway. And if they don't, the p11-kit
> >  configuration does permit a module to be visible in some applications
> >  and not others.
> No David, that's quite the opposite of what I was saying. If you did what
> you propose - patching to ignore the noModDB & friends - you'd be
> introducing security issues. The security issues do not exist now. Your
> patch would introduce them.

I don't believe I've proposed any such patch. I've posted a straw man
patch, basically saying "We probably want to load the PKCS#11 modules
specified by the system around here, but we need to take noModDB and
friends into account and I'm not quite sure of the semantics so can
someone help.

> You don't need to expose it to the sandbox to use PKCS#11 in the web
> browser. That's not how modern sandboxed browsers work.

That sounds like a bit of a failure of the sandboxing to me. Just so I
understand what you're saying... regardless of whether the browser
complies with the system policy for PKCS#11 modules, it's considered
acceptable that a sandbox can happily authenticate using any of the
certificates in my NSS database and any of the PKCS#11 tokens that I
have manually enabled?

> And yes, your conclusion further emphasizes my original point - some
> applications explicitly do not wish to have p11-kit introduced, and by
> just blithely introducing it, you're introducing security vulnerabilities.

Let's be clear here. Remember, p11-kit already makes the configuration
of PKCS#11 providers a per-application choice. So, if I understand
correctly, what we're talking about here is a case where:

1. The PKCS#11 provider module has been installed in the system with a
   configuration indicating that it *should* be loaded into the browser.

2. The user has entered the PIN to unlock the token (or the token
   doesn't *have* a PIN and can be accessed without it!).

3. The browser permits a sandbox to authenticate using keys in that
   token, just like it permits the same sandbox to use keys in the
   *default* NSS database and any manually-configured PKCS#11 tokens.

And your assertion here appears to me that the *problem* in this
situation would be the implicit step 1½ that I didn't mention
originally, which is the part where we *honour* the configuration
mentioned in step 1.

It does seem to be rather an odd objection, to me.


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