On Dec 4, 6:38 pm, Boris Zbarsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> kk wrote:
> > We have a application built around Mozilla. We do a PrintPreview and
> > use the GetNumberOfShells and GetShellAt methods on nsIDocument for
> > getting the PressShell of the PrintPreview.
> The usual obligatory question:  Why do you need this?
> > Starting mozilla 1.9 the
> > methods GetNumberOfShells and GetShellAt are removed from the
> > nsIDocument.
> > Is there another way for getting the PressShell of the Print Preview
> > in mozilla 1.9.
> You can walk the presshells using nsPresShellIterator.
> -Boris

Hi Boris,

We have a application that uses mozilla for converting HTML Pages to
PDF and other formats. http://gecko.dynalivery.com.
We do a Print Preview and get the Positions of the hyperlinks with
respect to the page origin. We use that information for adding
Bookmarks into the Output PDFs.

thanks for your reply. I got the PresShell from the Iterator.

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