Le 15/02/2013 13:59, Mathieu Rochette a écrit :
> On Fri 15 Feb 2013 11:54:02 AM CET, Mathieu Rochette wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having a hard time finding a bug in a web app. This is an hosted
>> webapp ( http://library.texthtml.net/manifest.webapp ). When I use it
>> directly in the browser it's working, when I install it in Firefox
>> Android or in Firefox OS it's also working but when installed in Firefox
>> Desktop it does not :(
>> But I have no idea how to get javascript error here. Is it possible?
>> the app can be installed here : http://library.texthtml.net/install.html
>> and once installed, if you click 'import ebook' and then 'Alice in
>> Wonderland', the import does not works. that's the bug I'm trying to fix

I have the exact same problem :-(

I have written this page as a starting point to collect possible solutions:

I have also created a ticket for it, should you want to vote for it:
 When using the Web runtime, console methods should output to stdout


Marc-Aurèle DARCHE      https://developer.mozilla.org/profiles/madarche
AFUL                    http://aful.org/
Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres
French speaking Libre Software Users' Association
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