
I've started porting my iOS and Android app (made in HTML5, with PhoneGap) to 
FirefoxOS. So far, so good. :)  But I have some questions I was hoping someone 
could answer.  Some background:

The app was designed originally for iOS - it works best at 320px wide, but 
thanks to the <meta name="viewport"> settings and some "@2x" graphics, it looks 
good on the higher-resolution iPhones, and works similarly on Android.  Some 
CSS changes I made allow it to work well on screens taller than 480px (the 
original iPhone), so it works well on the iPhone 5+.  But it really does need 
at least a 2x3 aspect ratio (portrait).

In Android's manifest file, I was able to set a value in the 
"<supports-screens>" block of 'android:largestWidthLimitDp="320"', which had 
the effect of scaling up the app when it's viewed on larger devices (like 
tablets).  Android also has a slew of (rather confusing!) 
"<compatible-screens>" and "<supports-screens>" settings, which helps me 
prevent the app from being installed from the Google Play store onto devices 
with extra-small screens, or ones that have square or landscape-orientation 
screens (eg. 4:3).

So - that brings me to my efforts to get it working on FirefoxOS (various 
tweaks due to Webkit->Gecko, plus skinning it to be more in-line with the UI).  
It's starting to work well in the Simulator, but right now the simulator only 
seems to run at 320x480.  I'd like to know:

- how will FirefoxOS display it at higher resolutions? 
 seems to imply it will scale up, but I don't know if that applies for sure).

- can the simulator be run at different resolutions somehow?

- I've seen a few phones (Peak, Keon, etc.) that are designed for FirefoxOS, 
but is the OS designed to support non-portrait-style screens?  Are there any 
plans to do so?  (eg. think Blackberry-style phones with a keyboard and the 
squatter screen).  Or is it safe to assume that all devices running the OS will 
have a tall screen?

- if it's not safe to assume a tall screen, can something be added to the App 
Manifest settings to specify supported screen resolutions that the Marketplace 
can enforce?  
 doesn't seem to have anything like that currently)

If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. :)  FirefoxOS looks neat, and I'm 
enjoying getting my app running in it, but those uncertainties remain for now.

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