Hello everyone

Is there a best practice way of retrieving a QR-code from another firefox OS 

Android uses intents and it is possible to launch a specific QR-Reader or let 
the user select from the installed apps that can handle this sort of activity.

I was happy to spot the Firefox OS - Web Activities API, but they are 
'ring-fenced' :( and the allowed ones do not include QR-code reading.

Is there a way to query installed applications for the ones that can handle QR 
reading? There are quite a few of them on the marketplace but none actively 
advertises its ability as an activity handler. (Is there one that does?)

Finally, since firefoxOS apps can be installed as stand-alone(ish) on Android, 
can i use an Android intent's URI to launch an Android Intent and retrieve its 
result within my code from firefox OS?

Looking forward to hearing from you
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