On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:35:29 PM UTC-5, Myk Melez wrote:
> > Andrew Sutherland <mailto:asutherl...@asutherland.org>
> > 2014 July 29 at 18:35
> > Being an IMAP-supporting email app requires being a privileged app. It 
> > seems like it's not currently possible to easily install privileged 
> > apps that are under development on Firefox desktop.  Is there a way to 
> > accomplish this or open bugs to follow?
> Folks have done this with hacks in the past. I'm unsure about the 
> current state of the art, so I'm cc:ing Marco, who may know (especially 
> since he's done it with the Gaia email app!).
> As for bugs, the most relevant one is 987848 
> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=987848>, which is about 
> enabling you to connect devtools to a desktop app from the Web IDE (n�e 
> App Manager).
> The discussion in that bug assumes the app is already installed, but 
> surely Web IDE integration would also include support for installing an 
> app. That may want to be tracked in a different bug, however. cc: jryans 
> in case he knows of a more relevant bug.

Yes, that's the right bug for debugging desktop apps.  I'd love for us to make 
more progress in this area.  I think many app developers would see more value 
in the desktop app platform if debugging were simpler, so this seems like a 
pretty critical problem to solve for the desktop app developer workflow.  It's 
possible to debug them today, but it is quite convoluted and confusing (or at 
least that was the state last time I tried it).

I see that Myk also commented in bug 1038533 about installing packaged apps on 
desktop.  Again, that's another angle I hope we can improve in WebIDE.

I've created bug 1049815 as a meta bug to track such issues with the desktop 
app workflow.  If you know of more such issues, please file!

- Ryan
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