
I feel a little stupid but i can find a way to do that anymore.

I have a fully fledged application that i install on my web server. I can use 
the AppManager/WebIDE to load the app on my FirefoxOS device or emulator, but i 
cannot execute it as a Firefox Desktop app.

As far as i remember, it used to be that as long as the web server served the 
app manifest with a Content-Type application/x-web-app-manifest+json, Firefox 
understood this was an app to be installed or updated. Now, it just asks me to 
save the file.

I read things about a webapprt application, but this doesn't seem to work and i 
can't find up-to-date documentation on this.

For information, the app manifest is located at 
https://app-21-mwa-vc-as-en.jocly.com/jocly.webapp with the entry point at 

Thanks for your help.
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