Thank you Andrew!

We are currently trying to make Loqui IM also available on Desktop clients
so I was wondering if we'd be able still support all of our providers, also
thous we are connecting to with a mozTCPSocket.

2015-09-08 19:18 GMT+02:00 Andrew Sutherland <>:

> Preference-wise, mozTCPSocket is available in WebRT.  It requires the
> "tcp-socket" permission is granted to the origin in question (or the
> origin have the system principal).  It is not available in desktop
> Firefox without flipping a pref, "dom.mozTCPSocket.enabled".  (WebRT
> flips the pref by default.)  See
> for some more
> details re: the preference.
> In order to have the permission granted, the app needs to be a packaged
> app in the firefox marketplace.  There's no way to use WebIDE to
> "side-load" to accomplish this.  See
> However, can be used to grant
> the permission to any origin for development.  This will flip the
> "dom.mozTCPSocket.enabled" preference to true as well.
> As one might surmise from all of this, I don't think it's a particularly
> supported set of functionality for desktop at this time.  TCPSocket is
> no longer on a standardization track, and based on recent discussions,
> may be headed for being an "add-on" API.  See Jonas's sensitive API
> thread here:
> And the TCPSocket-specific sub-thread I reaised:
> The summary is probably that:
> - TCPSocket is a known useful API
> - It's still particularly dangerous and hard to explain that danger to
> users which means it is likely to be gated by some type of human-review
> for the default installation experience.
> Andrew
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2015, at 12:57 PM, Jovan Gerodetti wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > Quick question.
> > Is the TCPSocket also available in the WebRT for Desktop Apps or is it
> > FxOS
> > only?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Jovan
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