If i get my wish, we will be using it on  a CUDA cloud to write directly
into Accumulo after processing data in CUDA. We shall see where that goes.
In the meantime, its been a lot of fun fixing it up and testing it. I've
got a ticket up for backporting to 1.4 series.

Thanks guys!

On Saturday,. March 23, 2013, Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Cool, definitely. I was a bit confused when you said you were stuck on
1.4.2 but wanted a patch put in 1.4 :)
> I'm really curious to see the crazy things people use the proxy to do.
Please keep reporting back your successes (and bug findings). It's great
that these things are getting found.
> On 03/23/2013 12:29 PM, Corey Nolet wrote:
>> Sounds good. I could support the whole 1.4 series. I'm just going to
clean up the thrift file and remove the methods from the proxy service that
don't apply. I could do this on my own but I figured it may be useful to
you guys as well since a lot of people are still on 1.4.* and will be for
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 23, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Eric Newton <eric.new...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Open a ticket.  I would support anything but the 1.3 series. :-)
>>> -Eric
>>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Corey Nolet <cno...@texeltek.com>
>>>> Do you guys have a problem throwing in a minor patch for 1.4.2 to back
>>>> port the thrift proxy service? We have an environment which will not
>>>> support updating to 1.5 right away.

Corey Nolet
Senior Software Engineer
TexelTek, inc.
[Office] 301.880.7123
[Cell] 410-903-2110

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