For future reference, please use or for such questions. While there is a project
lead, nearly all pieces of Apache Accumulo operation are handled by the
group as a whole.
Looking at the timeline for GSOC, you have until this Friday to submit
an application. Also look at the following for more information [1], [2].
As you gathered, we tried to mark some tickets we already had created as
good candidates for students to work on; however, these are not at all
binding of what you could work on (in fact, I might encourage you to
think outside of the box).
dev@a.a.o is probably the best list for you to use as you work through
your proposal, asking the community what constitute a good GSOC project.
Thanks for reaching out!
- Josh
On 04/28/2013 01:57 AM, Mohamed Bakkar wrote:
Hello all!
I just found out about the Google Summer of Code project, and though
it may be late in the game for applying and familiarizing myself with
the community, the one project that piqued my interest was Accumulo.
I've always been interested in data structures, and I've wanted to
learn more about databases. I'd actually heard of BigTable a couple
years ago, but was disappointed that it was closed source. I had no
idea projects like this existed and that Google released their design
way back in 2006.
Sorry if this e-mail placement is odd. It seems you guys working on
Accumulo stress an 'equal community' so it doesn't appear as though
there are designated project leaders. However, I noticed that you all
reported issues (or rather proposals for functionality) as ideas for
GSoC projects. I'd lack to tackle a few of those ideas.
Thank you all for reading,