I'm not sure what the "best" solution would be, but I'd easily assume any worthwhile solution would extend the 1.5.0 release date even farther than I'd be happy about. So, by that stance, I'm for #4 or another quick fix, even if it does perpetuate some sort of "hack".

On 05/14/2013 07:09 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
I just doesn't make very much sense to me to have two different GAV's
for the very same .class files, just to get different dependencies in
the poms. However, if someone really wanted that, I'd look to make
some scripting that created this downstream from the main build.
This makes sense to me. Although, I don't know exactly how one would go about doing this, I trust Benson enough not to throw something non-feasible at us :)

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