
There's been a bit of spam related to native maps lately (reviewboard
noise, extra related tickets, patches). I'm aware of some issues
related to native maps, and I intend to fix them ASAP.

Specifically, there's 3 general problems I'm aware of:
1) the way we're finding/loading native maps is insufficient for the
new packaging
2) the integration tests can't find the native maps
3) possibly some issues with running tests on a Mac.

I'm in the process of addressing the first two issues (they are
strongly related), and hope to have those fixes pushed by Monday. I
haven't investigated the Mac issue as much, and will examine it more
closely after I address the first two issues.

If you want to help, that's great, but I am in progress on these
fixes, and they'll be coming soon. I'm a bit backlogged due to being
sick. Please be patient. There are fixes coming. I don't want you to
duplicate work.

Christopher L Tubbs II

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