I haven't seen one myself.

The rest interfaces for collecting metrics is, sadly, known to be lacking. This aligns with some stated desires to make the rest interface for Accumulo metrics a standardized API (which we assert stability guarantees on) and then change the monitor to use those directly (instead of doing goofy things in the implementation. We have a ticket somewhere for this (I think Al Krinker has stated some interest in getting involved here).

I've been curious about what we could get with Graphite. This would be a fun experiment.

On 5/7/14, 9:09 AM, Arshak Navruzyan wrote:
I was wondering, is there a plugin for Accumulo for collectd?  I noticed
the current json / xml interfaces don't provide all the stats that the
monitor app shows.  Perhaps collectd can be used to collect and store the
full set of stats.

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