Looks good. While you are updating the web page, can we put a link on the left 
menu to our own blog? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Adam Fuchs" <afu...@apache.org> 
To: dev@accumulo.apache.org 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 11:22:29 AM 
Subject: Re: web master? 

I put up a new table of papers and presentations as sort of a prototype 
format. Comments? 

Still to be done: make it sortable, look into better content management 
strategies, experiment with tags 

Does anyone have suggestions on how to make this table more interactive? 


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Kepner, Jeremy - 0553 - MITLL < 
kep...@ll.mit.edu> wrote: 

> Hi Adam, 
> Thanks. I think as categories fill up in the main page you could break 
> them out into separate pages that appear in the Documents drop down menu on 
> the main page. It would be good to add a category called "Competitive Peer 
> Reviewed Papers". To the best of my knowledge, the papers that should 
> appear in that category are: 
> Achieving 100,000,000 database inserts per second using Accumulo and D4M - 
> Kepner et al IEEE HPEC 2014 
> Paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.4923 
> Evaluating Accumulo Performance for a Scalable Cyber Data Processing 
> Pipeline - Sawyer et al IEEE HPEC 2014 
> Big Data Dimensional Analysis - Gadepally et al IEEE HPEC 2014 
> Computing on Masked Data: a High Performance Method for Improving Big Data 
> Veracity - Kepner et al IEEE HPEC 2014 
> Paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.5751 
> Genetic Sequence Matching Using D4M Big Data Approaches - Dodson et al 
> IEEE HPEC 2014 (best paper finalist) 
> D4M 2.0 Schema: A General Purpose High Performance Schema for the Accumulo 
> Database - Kepner et al IEEE HPEC 2013 
> Paper: 
> http://ieee-hpec.org/2013/index_htm_files/11-Kepner-D4Mschema-IEEE-HPEC.pdf 
> Slides: http://ieee-hpec.org/2013/index_htm_files/11_130716-D4Mschema.pdf 
> Understanding Query Performance in Accumulo - Sawyer et al IEEE HPEC 2013 
> Paper: http://ieee-hpec.org/2013/index_htm_files/28-2868615.pdf 
> LLSuperCloud: Sharing HPC systems for diverse rapid prototyping - Reuther 
> et al IEEE HPEC 2013 
> Paper: 
> http://ieee-hpec.org/2013/index_htm_files/26-HPEC13_LLSuperCloud_Reuther_final.pdf
> Slides: 
> http://ieee-hpec.org/2013/index_htm_files/HPEC+2013+Reuther+SuperCloud+final.pdf
> Benchmarking Apache Accumulo BigData Distributed Table Store Using Its 
> Continuous Test Suite - Sen et al 2013 IEEE International Congress on Big 
> Data 
> Paper: http://sqrrl.com/media/Accumulo-Benchmark-10312013-1.pdf 
> Spatio-temporal indexing in non-relational distributed databases - Fox et 
> al 2013 IEEE International Congress on Big Data 
> Paper: 
> http://geomesa.github.io/assets/outreach/SpatioTemporalIndexing_IEEEcopyright.pdf
> Typograph: Multiscale spatial exploration of text documents - Endert, 
> Alex, et al 2013 IEEE International Congress on Big Data 
> Paper: 
> http://people.cs.vt.edu/aendert/Alex_Endert/Research_files/Typograph.pdf 
> UxV Data to the Cloud via Widgets - Charles et al 18th International 
> Command & Control Research & Technology Symposium 2013 
> Paper: 
> http://www.dodccrp.org/events/18th_iccrts_2013/post_conference/papers/051.pdf 
> Driving Big Data With Big Compute - Byun et al IEEE HPEC 2012 
> Paper: http://www.mit.edu/~kepner/pubs/ByunKepner_2012_BigData_Paper.pdf 
> Slides: http://ieee-hpec.org/2012/index_htm_files/42_ID18.pptx 
> Large Scale Network Situational Awareness Via 3D Gaming Technology - 
> Hubbell et al IEEE HPEC 2012 
> Paper: http://ieee-hpec.org/2012/index_htm_files/HPEC12_Hubbell.pdf 
> Slides: http://ieee-hpec.org/2012/index_htm_files/31_ID20.pptx 
> Rya: a scalable RDF triple store for the clouds - Punnoose et al 1st 
> International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence, ACM, 2012 
> Paper: http://sqrrl.com/media/Rya_CloudI20121.pdf 
> Dynamic distributed dimensional data model (D4M) database and computation 
> system - Kepner et al ICASSP 2012 
> Paper: http://www.mit.edu/~kepner/pubs/Kepner_2012_D4M_Paper.pdf 
> Slides: http://www.mit.edu/~kepner/pubs/Kepner_2012_D4M_Slides.pdf 
> On Jul 14, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Adam Fuchs <afu...@apache.org> wrote: 
> > Jeremy, 
> > 
> > If you send me a list of links to papers I would be happy to put them up. 
> > Also, if you (and anyone else) have a model that you like for organizing 
> > that page send me a link and we can work on that too. Given the amount of 
> > content that's out there now it probably makes sense to spend some more 
> > time organizing our site's links. 
> > 
> > I just pushed your HPEC 2014 paper and some links to the AccumuloSummit 
> > slides. 
> > 
> > Cheers, 
> > Adam 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Jeremy Kepner <kep...@ll.mit.edu> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> >> Is there any particular committer who likes to update papers page? 
> >> 
> >> Our groups writes a lot of papers and so we are constantly tracking the 
> >> literature 
> >> There are lot of Accumulo papers that aren't on this page. 
> >> I think one of the strengths of Accumulo is that its capabilities 
> >> are significant enough that one can generate high quality peer-reviewed 
> >> papers. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 12:49:00PM -0700, Billie Rinaldi wrote: 
> >>> Any committer can update that page. 
> >>> On Jul 11, 2014 10:01 PM, "Kepner, Jeremy - 0553 - MITLL" < 
> >> kep...@ll.mit.edu> 
> >>> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>>> Who is in charge of keeping http://accumulo.apache.org/papers.html up 
> >> to 
> >>>> date? 
> >>>> 
> >>>> Regards. -Jeremy 
> >> 

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