Hi Accumulo!

Cloudera has recently made public some code used for doing correctness
testing for Accumulo installations across upgrades[1]. The project contains
simple data load and verification tools as well as a rudimentary upgrade
test automation script.

We would like to donate this code to the ASF and use it as a starting place
for a contrib repository focused on testing Accumulo across versions
generally. If the PMC is interested, I'd be happy to take point on the
necessary paperwork for IP clearance[2] following an appropriate vote.

Though simple, this upgrade testing has already found issues around 1.4 ->
1.5 -> 1.6 and 1.4 ->1.6 upgrades in the past. There are some obvious
points of clean up that need to happen (vendor specific references in docs,
artifacts, and packages), and I'd be happy to take point on that work as
well. I think it would make a good foundational layer for our future needs
and would give us a place where we could revitalize the work from


[1]: https://github.com/cloudera/accumulo-upgrade-test/
[2]: http://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/


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