We also did a little mini GPG keysigning party for Mike Wall, in
anticipation of his future volunteering to RM 1.8.0. I also updated the
KEYS file with instructions, so he (and others) can easily append their
public keys to that file in the future (though, I forgot to actually upload
the change until yesterday).

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 11:42 PM Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I forgot to mention earlier that a small number of us got together on
> the 17th to work in proximity to each other.
> Myself, Billie, Keith, Mike Wall, Mike Walch, and Christopher were
> present at points throughout the day (The common prefix on the "Mike
> Wal*"'s is pretty great, IMO).
> There really weren't any discussions had on Accumulo, I believe the only
> thing that stood out was Mike Wall asking some questions as he worked
> through the release process. I believe we can hope to see a volunteer
> from him to be RM for 1.8.0 soon as well as some discussion on what
> needs to happen before 1.8.0-rc0.
> For those who haven't noticed otherwise yet, check out Apache Fluo
> (incubating)[1]! This is pretty exciting news.
> - Josh
> [1] http://incubator.apache.org/projects/fluo.html

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