
The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Accumulo
has invited Holly Keebler to become a committer and we are pleased
to announce that she has accepted.

Holly started with contributions fixing some smaller issues, like
removing a premature "Master is down" message from the monitor during
startup, and making use of NewTableConfiguration in some ITs, to
improve the quality of the tests for the 2.0.0 release. Not only has
she continued making changes to fix smaller issues like those, but has
since also moved on to significantly more complicated issues helping
refactor the metadata internals for future Accumulo 2.1.x releases.

Being a committer comes with write access to the Accumulo
repositories, to accept code changes and merges from other
contributors, and to merge their own contributions more easily. This
should enable better productivity.
Being a PMC member enables assistance with the management and
direction of the project, such as binding votes for releases.

Please join me in welcoming Holly!

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