 The IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) conference organized by MIT 
and run in cooperation with SIAM ( is the largest 
computing conference in New England (1500 participants in 2020 & 2021) and is 
tailored for big data, database, and distributed computing developers and 
researchers to publish their work in a convenient, rapid peer-reviewed, 
archival, virtual venue. I highly encourage you to consider submitting 
(deadline is July 9). This year’s distinguished speakers include:

• Keynote: Prof. Barbara Liskov (MIT Institute Professor & Turing Award Winner) 
– Reflections on a Career in Computer Science
• Dr. Almadena Chtchelkanova (NSF) – The NSF Computing and Information Science 
and Engineering Landscape: A Look Forward
• Barry Greene (Akamai) – Welcome to CyberWar: Long Term Ramifications 
Unleashed by Russia’s War
• Maj. Michael Kanaan (USAF) – Making AI Real: Insights from the Lab to 
• Dr. Piyush Mehrotra (NASA Advanced Supercomputing Chief) – HPC Matters! How 
Supercomputing Supports NASA’s Mission
• Prof. Taylor Perron (MIT Geology & MacArthur Fellow) – Challenges in 
Geospatial Computing
• Prof. Viktor Prasanna (USC EECE & CS) – GNN Acceleration on FPGAs
• Dr. John Reynders (Neumora; Former CIO of Moderna Therapeutics & Celera 
Genomics) – Data-Driven Precision Neuroscience
• Dr. Rob Schreiber (Cerebras Distinguished Engineer) – New Frontiers in 
Performance at Wafer Scale

If you have any questions about HPEC, please feel free to contact me.

Regards. -Jeremy

% Dr. Jeremy Kepner
% Lincoln Laboratory Fellow
% Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM) Fellow
% MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center Head
% MIT-Air Force AI Accelerator Lincoln PM
% MIT Computer Science & AI Laboratory
% MIT Mathematics Department
% MIT Connection Science
% IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Chair

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