+1 on Strings

On 29 May 2008, at 05:47, Jim Gomes wrote:

Hi Mark,

I like the idea of having providers extend the session modes to what makes sense for them. For instance, MSMQ may ignore transactional, but have some additional acknowledgment mode. However, what do you propose as a solution such that provider's individual extensions to the acknowledgment mode do not "pollute" the global API space? I like your suggestion of having a loose
and flexible API, and I would think that an acknowledgement mode as a
string, versus an enumeration, would be the "loosest". But that may not be
the best way to go.

Changing to a string might work. The current enumeration could be changed to readonly strings. This way providers would be free to support custom
acknowledgment modes through the single parameter.  Thoughts?


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Mark Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >


I'm digging into the NMS API a bit more as I plan to release NMS support in Spring.NET in the coming months (which James had a hand in as well) and I have a question regarding the AcknowledgementMode enum. The current values
CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE) and an additional one Transactional.

Vendors typically provide additional ack modes for increased performance,
TIBCO EMS is the case I'm familiar with which also has
ExplicitClientAcknowledge, ExplicitClientDupsOkAcknowledge, and

At the moment the NMS API can't support these modes, making it a
lowest-common denominator solution, something I feel that must be avoided
it is to gain widespread use. I've had a similar experience writing a database wrapper class for ADO.NET and the use of vendor specific enums
data types. I ended up leaving the API very 'loose', i.e. method signature just has 'Enum' in it and internally implementations can check to see if it
makes sense for them.  This has worked out well as far as I can tell.

Is it possible to follow the same approach in this case?



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