This message is to open up a discussion to the developer forum to gather a wider range of feedback from the developer community that may not be monitoring the JIRA database.

For background, please refer to

Following are my comments in response to Yev's and Tim's comments:

The comments about the naming convention are valid, but I think there are more compelling reasons for going with the NMS prefix convention.

There's not much that can be done in regards to Microsoft's .Net framework guidelines. To suddenly start changing to use Nms instead of NMS would only create confusion. The use of all-caps NMS is well established in the product. If we want to switch from NMS to Nms, then that should be discussed and changed in a consistent manner rather than letting inconsistencies creep into the codebase.

If the NMS prefix were redundant with the NMS namespace, then no classes would have this prefix. The NMSException class would simply be called Exception, likewise with the NMSSecurityException class. It has to be considered why these classes were named in such a manner. The simple answer is "Because JMS did it." The more insightful answer is because the class names were too generic and could easily be confused and clash with other exceptions, which would force the developer to always use a full qualified namespace name. Therefore, the use of the prefix in the class name actually becomes a shorthand method for clarification of code intent.

A quick review of the newly added classes reveals that there are a couple that are fairly generically named, and could easily conflict with other exceptions. The most obvious ones are "IllegalStateException", "TransactionInProgressException", "TransactionRolledBackException". If a piece of code is performing messaging and database transactions, the class names could potentially conflict. Even if they don't conflict, the reader of the code is not immediately clear on which exception class is actually being handled. Is it an exception thrown by the database provider, or by NMS?

Here is a sample bit of code to illustrate the point.

using Apache.NMS;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

public void DoTransactionMsgProcessing()
// Do some Oracle related operations
// Do some NMS related operations
catch(TransactionRolledBackException ex)
// Is this an Oracle exception, or an NMS exception?
catch(NMSException ex)
// This is clearly an NMS exception
catch(OracleException ex)
// This is clearly an Oracle exception.
catch(Exception ex)
// This is clearly the system-scope class Exception.

In fact, if one studies the Oracle .Net client API, many of their classes are prefixed with "Oracle", even though they are embedded within the Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace. This is because their API designers know that the most common usage pattern is to import the entire namespace into the scope of a source file using a single using statement at the top of the file, and not to use fully qualified namespaces on every usage of a class name or interface. Here is a list of Oracle's exception class names:


These are all within the Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace. By including the "Oracle" prefix, it clarifies code intent while avoiding name clashes when the namespace is imported with other namespaces. Code intent is important. Code will be read many more times than it will be written.

Consistency is also important. This helps both the code reader and writer. To have a mix of exceptions classes where some start with NMS and others don't, leads to special cases that must be memorized. If there are to be some exception classes that begin with NMS (and there already are), and there are compelling reasons to have the classes named in such a way, then all exception classes should have a consistent name pattern. As shown above, Oracle has followed this principal, and it makes a lot of sense.

I am not recommending this naming convention because Oracle does it. I simply found (after the fact) that Oracle follows this convention. I am recommending this naming convention for the principal of code clarity and programmer intent.

To recap, here are the proposed exception class names. There are two lists that show what the entire list of exception names will be.

List One

List Two

I vote for List Two. I am interested in hearing feedback from other developers. I have stated my thoughts, but I am perfectly willing to go with List One if everyone wants that for the standard.

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