After bringing the release of Apache ActiveMQ .NET 1.1.0 to a vote, here are
the results for the individual projects:

+1  -1   0  Module Name
--- --- --- ---------------------------------
 3   0   0  Apache.NMS
 3   0   0  Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ
 3   0   0  Apache.NMS.EMS
 3   0   0  Apache.NMS.MSMQ
 3   0   0  Apache.NMS.WCF

With a total of +3 votes for each project, and no negatives, the product
will move to a shipping status.  The code has been copied out to the
distribution servers, and is being updated to the download mirror sites.
The WIKI page links have been updated, and will be published on its normal
update schedule.  An announcement to the developer and user lists will be
made after the updates have been published.

- Jim Gomes

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