The maven assembly plugin's descriptor should support specifying which EOL
style to use when it adds the file to the distribution archive.  That would
be my preference.  That way folks can still edit the source files in the
format most natural on the dev platform, but still get the correct EOL
conversion in the final distribution target.

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Jim Gomes <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> In the ActiveMQ repository, we have a few platform specific script files
> for launching ActiveMQ on (Li|U)nix platforms.  Specifically, the
> *activemq* and
> *activemq-admin* script files.  Currently, most, but not all, of these
> files have been flagged in Subversion to have the'*eol-style: native*
> meta-attribute.
>  This is intended to auto-convert the platform EOL convention, and then
> always store it in the repository as LF-only EOL.  However, this creates a
> problem when building ActiveMQ on a Windows machine which will subsequently
> be deployed on a (Li|U)nix box.  Those script files will have the wrong EOL
> character, and will not run.
> What I am proposing is to change the Subversion meta-attribute to
> *eol-style:
> LF* to always keep these files in their platform-correct format.  Likewise,
> the Windows platform files (*activemq.bat* and *activemq-admin.bat*) should
> be flagged as *eol-style: CRLF*.
> Thoughts and comments?
> Best,
> Jim



*Hiram Chirino*

*Engineering | Red Hat, Inc.*

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