
On 02/20/2013 01:49 PM, Hiram Chirino wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I've deployed a 1.6 release candidate to pickup fixes and new features
since the 1.5 release.  It would be nice to release this before Apache Con
This release features improvements like:

* [APLO-275] - Add AMQP 1.0 Protocol Support
* [APLO-273] - STOMP 1.1 Over WebSocket
* [APLO-268] - Examples for stompest Python STOMP client
* [APLO-280] - Clarification about message groups
* [APLO-19]  - Support message groups
* [APLO-271] - Integrate jolokia into Apollo for nice REST based access to
* [APLO-272] - Support creating topics and queues via the REST management
* [APLO-274] - Support accessing environment variables via \${env.*}
references in the the config file.
* [APLO-278] - Support option on queues to control if a round robin message
distribution strategy should be used when multiple consumer are attached to
the queue.

Full Changlog available at:

The release candidate has been staged to nexus under:

Source code distros can be found at:

Binary distros can be found at:

The build was tagged at:

The project website for that version has been staged to:

Please vote to approve this release

[ ] +1 Release Apache Apollo 1.6
[ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)

As usual, the vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

Here's my +1

Tim Bish
Sr Software Engineer | RedHat Inc.
tim.b...@redhat.com | www.fusesource.com | www.redhat.com
skype: tabish121 | twitter: @tabish121
blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

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