In my effort to debug why I keep getting the "Cannot publish to a delete
queue", I ran my example with activemqcpp code. I found that that on the
consumer side when I call 

MessageProducer->send(replyTodestination, message) 

ultimately it ends up calling 

ActiveMQSessionKernel::send() in which it checks for isDeleted(). IsDeleted 
checks the mValue map inside the options object in the producers connection 
object. That map is empty which causes the "Cannot publish to deleted 
destination message". 

I dug a little further. The only way destinations can be added to the map is 
by calling addTemporaryDestination() function on the option class. That 
function is only called with advisory message or when creating a 

As per my understanding TempQueue will never work on the client side without 
advisory messages. Am I missing something? If I am wrong please help 
understand what I need to do to fix the message. 

I have tried Activemqcpp version 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 with broker version 5.10.
Attached is my activemq.xml activemq.xml

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