There is a page at,,
with a few details on the subject, even though it's probably a bit out of
date given that it states it's "DRAFT" status. On the subject of a 'minor'
release it says

For the ActiveMQ-CPP project, the numbers have the format
MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, and the following meanings:

   - MAJOR: a change in the MAJOR number is necessary for anything that
   changes binary compatibility (e.g. changing a function prototype or class
   definition), or when major internal changes occur
   - MINOR: a change in the MINOR number is necessary whenever new
   functionality is added without breaking binary compatibility (e.g. adding a
   new class), or when anything other than very minor internal changes occur
   - REVISION: a change in the REVISION number is made for any other type
   of change that does not justify a change to MINOR or MAJOR


Is there new functionality that comes along with any of the patches or the
OpenSSL bump? There are also some notes regarding the creation of a
distribution for release at but again, not
sure how current it would be.

As you mention Tim would probably be the most knowledgeable on the subject.


On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 8:14 PM Jamie G. <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've started looking into a number of open cards on AMQ CPP client.
> I've noticed that master is still 3.9.0-snapshot, when it likely
> should be 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT now.
> One supplied patch would bump openssl version to 1.0.2 from 0.9.8.
> Would that bump be sufficient cause to increment the minor version?
> (
> Once these patches are reviewed, and accepted - is there a release
> process for the AMQ CPP client?
> Tim, since you did a lot of work on this, your opinion would gladly be
> appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Jamie

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