but, It has memory leak problem also;

I am a student from China, and I am learning ActiveMq-cpp 3.9.4 .
I am using ActiveMq-cpp 3.9.4 and apache-apr 1.4.8  on redhat linux; and my
server program is multi thread;
In my program, I first create one  producer and connect to ActiveMq;
In my server's program, I must dispose message firstly in every thread  ,
after dispose it, then send the message to ActiveMq using the producer; all
threads are concurrent;

so I think , this model of server's program is common usage of AcitveMq

But I find, the memory usage  increase continuously, and finally up to 100%
, and lastly the program collapse, you can use the command "top" to see the
result; or you can use command "ps -e -o 'pid,comm,pcpu,rsz,vsz'|grep test"
and look at the rsz value.

So I think the activemq-cpp of 3.9.4 version  is of memory leak ?

In order to  explain the problem clearly, I write a program named test.cpp,
and you can test it in three scenes as follows
(1) in  main1 function, not use thread, no memory leak;
(2) in main function, use thread to send message; every 1 us create 20
detached threads ,every thread send message once , memory leak;
    I think this is not the problem of thread creation , because If I
comment line "sup->PushByteMessage" in sendtomq_once, everything is ok, and
no memory leak;
(3) in main3 function, I create 7 threads, and In every thread I send
message repeatly, and no memory leak;

so , this problem is so amazing and ambiguous, because in (2) and (3) scene,
all use thread to send, but result are not the same; And I think it is not
the problem of the producer, Because in (1) scene, no memory leak;

This is memory leak of Activemq-cpp 3.9.4 , or because I not compiled it
correctly ?

Why ?And I test it in AIX using Acivemq-Cpp 3.9.4 , problem is the same ;

sorry for my poor English.


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