I'm not objecting per se, but I dont see particular benefits to doing
so. I said when introducing the GitHub Actions build that I actually
do see benefits to still running both, that remains true.

- Additional test runs are useful for spotting sporadic failure issues
creep in, and in seeing them go away.
- They can also be used to cover different OS / JDK versions etc
without lumping all jobs/load on a single service. Right now they
match as that was quick for me to set up.
- Different hardware/envs can sometimes help spot issues.
- The CI services tend to fall over now and then, but typically at
different times, so it's nice not being reliant on just one.
 (I kid you not, while I typed this, I got a mail saying a GitHub
Actions sub job run on my fork from earlier was cancelled because it
took 6 hours, lol)

Personally I prefer having more CI envs than less, e.g for some other
projects I also have jobs running on the ASF Jenkins instance and
Appveyor in addition to Travis and GitHub Actions. I dont think they
dont take much at all to maintain, which would be the main reason I'd
see for getting rid of them.

On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 17:03, Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:
> Quite a while back we started using Travis CI to run the PR builds for
> Artemis. Recently support was added for GitHub Actions which run the same
> builds as Travis CI. At this point, both Travis and GitHub are running the
> same builds for Artemis PRs.
> Does anybody object to removing Travis builds? The GitHub Actions always
> run faster and integration is better. I don't see any reason to run the
> same builds on two different services.
> Justin

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