I've created ARTEMIS-4520 [1] to deal with this. Thanks for reporting the


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-4520

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 4:08 AM Андрей <x05...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I am currently using "artemis-jakarta-client" 2.31.2 version
> I've stumbled into an issue with client acknowledge mode when using JMS
> API. Here's an example:
>         try (var factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("<broker-url")) {
>             try (var ctx = factory.createContext("<user>", "<password>",
>                 var destination = ctx.createQueue("<destination>");
>                 try (var consumer = ctx.createConsumer(destination)) {
>                     var message1 = consumer.receive(100000); // suppose
> this call returns real message
>                     var message2 = consumer.receive(100000); // suppose
> this call times out, so NULL is returned
>                     ctx.acknowledge(); // I'm expecting that message1 gets
> acknowledged here, but it's not happening
>                     /*
>                     Do something here....
>                      */
>                 }
>             }
>         }
> The reason for ack not working is that the implementation of
> "consumer.receive" method stores the latest returned value in JMSContext
> for future usage in its "acknowledge" method.
> This happens regardless if the value is null or not. So in case latest call
> returns null, all the previous messages get lost and never acked.
> This seem like a defect. Am I right?
> Thanks in advance

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