Hi folks,

I submit Apache ActiveMQ "Classic" 6.1.1 release to your vote.

This release includes:
- fix on the StatisticPlugin to include firstMessageTimestamp field
- Add missing JVM arg for sun.nio (required for some transport connectors)
- remove "old" client jakarta module
- fix authentication on Docker images
- Spring 6.1.5 update (including CVE fix)
- several other dependency updates (log4j 2.23.1, slf4j 2.0.12, ...)

You can take a look on Release Notes for details:

Maven Staging Repository:

Dist Staging Repository:

Git tag: activemq-6.1.1

Please vote to approve this release:
[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Don't approve the release (please provide specific comments)

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

Thanks !

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