Hi Sachith,

I am not sure what is expected from the page you mentioned.
But I have some idea what needs to be done. Let me explain briefly what I
have in mind.

We need to come up with an integration test for each feature we publish (We
may not able to cover everything but needs to do as much as possible).

I can think  following feature categories;
1. Provider wise
- Job submission with GRAM
- Job submission with GSISSH
- Job submission with Amazon EC2
- Job submission to local cluster
etc ...

2. Workflow structure wise
- Simple workflow (with only inputs and outputs)
- Foreach (we already have this)
- Workflows with other flow controls

3. API wise
- Tests for registry operations

Etc ... (Others please point more)

So my suggestion is to create a list of basic feature list as above and
create integration test for each of them.

Thejaka Amila

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Sachith Withana <swsach...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Added the For Each Test to the Wiki [1].
> Can someone confirm whether this is correct and it's what is expected of
> the Wiki?
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRAVATA/Integration+Tests
> --
> Thanks,
> Sachith Withana

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