Thanks Sachith.  We can have host object independent of application as the same 
host definition can be used for multiple applications. Please add complete 
details of host and application properties like Application type(MPI, OpenMP, 
MapReduce etc), JobManager (PBS, SLURM,EC2). You need to consider extensibility 
of the models also as requirements may change with job or monitoring manager 


On May 5, 2014, at 4:12 PM, Sachith Withana <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> After an offline discussion, we came up with an initial Application Catalog 
> design which captures the minimum requirements. 
> Any suggestions?
> Functionalities for the Gateway
> API Thrift Functions
> add   // (not required for tutorial but will make life easier for us) 
> String add(application)                       //return application id
> String add(applicationId,deployment)          //return deployment id
> get
> get(applicationId)                            //return application
> get(applicationId, deploymentId)              //return deployment
> remove //optional
> remove(applicationId)
> remove(applicationId, deploymentId)
> update //optional
> update(application)
> update(applicationId, deployment)
> list 
> String[] list()                       // list of application ids 
> String[] list(applicationId)  // list of deployment ids
> API Thrift Data model
> Application (application id)
>       Input* : name/type/optional?
>       Output* : name/type/optional?/
>       Deployment* (deployment id)
>               Host (host id)
>               host IP
>               host job management protocol and properties
>               host data management protocol and properties
>               executable path
>               scratch location
>               job properties (key/value default values)
>                       eg: Project Id, CPU count, Node count, Wall time
> *0 or more            
> BOLD : minimum requirement
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Sachith Withana

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