Earlier we were able to log into the system using private key. But now it
asks for a password. I think our keys have been removed. My public key is

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Pamidighantam, Sudhakar V <
spami...@illinois.edu> wrote:

>  Suresh is traveling. What issues are you facing. I have root access on
> this system.
> Let me see if I can help there.
>  Thanks,
> Sudhakar.
>  On Dec 11, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Supun Nakandala <supun.nakand...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi Sudhakar,
>  Thank you very much for your support. Suresh gave us a machine(
> gridchem.uits.iu.edu) in IU to deploy the server. But unfortunately we
> are having some ssh issues when logging to that server . I will contact
> Suresh and get the issue fixed and deploy  an instance of the server there
> so that you can configure and test the parsers by your self.
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 7:42 PM, Pamidighantam, Sudhakar V <
> spami...@illinois.edu> wrote:
>> Supun:
>> I support these goals. I am available for you to engage with you and
>> anything I can do to expedite the project please let me know. Even if you
>> think I can not,  do please ask anyway.
>> I have written the original parsers in perl myself and have directed
>> others when the Cup/JFLex system was put in place. I have generated and
>> modified the CUP/JFlex code before, so I am familiar with how it works. I
>> will look at the paper and may suggest  additions.
>>  I can not test the system now by adding more data and see if this can
>> parse the new data. How can we get to that point. This is critical first
>> step for me before I can ask friendly users to test this further. Current
>> state is a prototype only and is not interesting enough for any of our
>> users. Unless we can add parsing of more data and more salient data and
>> create products it is difficult engage end users in any meaningful way.
>>  Perhaps if this is deployed somewhere in Indiana it may be easier to
>> move forward. If you need more data please let me know where I should
>> locate it for you to access.
>>  Thanks,
>> Sudhakar.
>>  On Dec 11, 2014, at 4:11 AM, Supun Nakandala <supun.nakand...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  Hi All,
>>  We had the mid evaluation of the project last Tuesday and the following
>> concerns were raised.
>>    1. The lack of visibility of the overall solution in the project
>>    demonstration.
>>    2. The ability to come up with a solution where, scientist who does
>>    not have a background in computer science can create new parsers (metadata
>>    extraction logic)
>> The project was demonstrated using the web interface that we developed.
>> For the final evaluation we expect to demonstrate the system using laravel
>> PHP Reference Gateway running in a production server and demonstrate how a
>> new data product that gets generated will be identified, indexed and will
>> be available for searching and hope this will handle the first issue.
>>  We also had a meeting with Dr. Dilum our internal supervisor where we
>> identified things that can be done from now to 15th January, the expected
>> project completion date
>>    1. Do a proper performance test and publish a paper before final
>>    marks for the project is finalized (marks will be finalized by the end of
>>    March).
>>    2. Getting to work more parsers, so that Sudhakar can ask more users
>>    to use the system. This will help to get more feedback on the system and
>>    have a real world usage.
>>    3. Implement the support for provenance aware workflow execution in
>>    Airavata using our system.
>> We have written a draft paper which I have attached here with. We showed
>> this to Dr. Srinath and Dr Dilum and they suggested that we do a proper
>> performance testing (The one that already done is not up to the expected
>> standards). Given the available time we need to prioritize our work and
>> select a set of tasks that is doable and has the most impact. What do you
>> all think?
>>  Draft Paper:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PLfST6hLygQpsr4RlgiDoffmDEwMOWbmb1WZ0uKTtd8/edit#heading=h.6fjqfavj2nov
>>  Literature Review:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0cLF-CLa59oaXRBazF1aURvQTg/view?usp=sharing
>>  Supun
>  --
> Thank you
> Supun Nakandala
> Dept. Computer Science and Engineering
> University of Moratuwa

Thank you
Supun Nakandala
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa

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