Abhishek Kapoor wrote:

Due to some reasons, I am unable to checkout the repository. My network is blocking it abhishek@abhishek-notebook:~/Desktop/gsoc2015$ git clone https://github.com/abhikgp/airavata-sandbox.git
Cloning into 'airavata-sandbox'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/abhikgp/airavata-sandbox.git/': Failed to connect to github.com <http://github.com> port 443: Network is unreachable

I am looking for a looking for a solution till then here <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ab2cv0pu3vdava/AAC75FZdoIyCv0a0D8EiLZcda?dl=0> is registry code and executable jar file to check it just put the jar file in genapptest folder and execute it (Note: before executing remove any leading comments from directives.json and menu.json)

You will need to get access to github.com port 443.
That is a standard https port and it will be very difficult to proceed if you can not access the github tree. As a work-around, you could clone it to your directory on gw106.iu.xsede.org and from your local system
use 'rsync'.

You can not require even access to menu.json and directives.json to run the registry.
This is "short-circuiting" GenApp.

menu.json & directives.json and all the json files in modules/ can be changed arbitrarily by the user of GenApp and should not effect the previously produced output. They can even be removed.

The GenApp "promise" to the user is that everything in output/{language}/ is a complete independent code base that is produced during the run of genapp.pl. The one exception to this rule is appconfig.json.

You will need to build your code as fragments of code which are assembled by entries in genapp/languages/{language}.json This is a very important concept to develop further parts of GenApp (and will be essential in creating new language variants). I have written up some of the capabilities here http://gw105.iu.xsede.org/genapp/wiki/dn_frag2code
which should get you started.


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