Hi Apoorv,

I haven't been touched with new airavata changes lately so I need little
bit more details to give you the exact answer. For an example what is this
Helis tool you are referring? If you can provide code references in GitHub
for your code related questions would be great? Anyway, the following are
answers to a couple of your questions.

On Jul 17, 2017, at 11:30 AM, Apoorv Palkar <apoorv_pal...@aol.com> wrote:
> Hey Dev,
> For the past 3-3.5 weeks, I've been investigating the use of Helix in
> Airavata and been working on the email monitoring problem. I went through
> the Curator/Zookeeper code to test out the internal workings of Helix. A
> particular question I had was, what is the difference between external view
> and current state?
> code reference?

> I understood that helix uses the resource model to maintain both the ideal
> state and current state. Why is it necessary to have an external view? In
> addition to this, what is the purpose of a spectator node. In the
> documentation, it states that a "spectator" reacts to changes in a
> distributed system. Why have the particular node have limited abilities
> when you can give it full access? These questions may be highly important
> to consider when writing the Helix paper for submission. As for the
> mailing/monitoring system, I have decided to move forward with the JavaMail
> API + IMAP implementation. I used the gw155j...@scigap.org (gmail)
> address as a basis for running my test code. For this particular use case,
> I didn't use the Gmail API because it had limited capabilities in terms of
> function/library uses. I played around with the Gmail API, however, I was
> unsuccessful in getting it to work in a clean and efficient manner.
> Which Gmail API you are talking aobut, last time I checked there is no
google api to talk to Gmail, they are asking to use Java mail API which is
complient with Gmail.

> As such, I decided to use the JavaMail api provided via imported
> libraries. IMAP was considered because it had greater capabilities than
> POP3. POP3 was inefficient when fetching the emails. In terms of first
> reading the emails, the first challenge was to set up the code correctly to
> read from Gmail. Previously the issue was that the emails were being read
> every time the read() function was called in the Inbox class.
> code reference?

> This meant that every message would be pulled even if one email was
> unread. This proved to be highly time costly as the scigap email address
> has 10000+ emails at any given time. I set up boolean flags for email
> addresses that were read and ones that were unread. As a result, all
> messages don't have to be pulled; only the ones with a "false" flag need to
> be read.
read unseen before.

> These messages were pulled and then put into a Message[] array. This array
> was then compared using lambda expression as JavaMail retrieves the most
> current message last. After these messages are put into the array and dealt
> with, the messages are marked as "read" to avoid reading them again.
> This is already taken care of in the current code.

> Currently, I'm working on improving the implementations of all four email
> parsers. It is highly important to make sure these parsers run effeciently
> as many emails would be read. I didn't want to use regex as it is slightly
> slower than string operations.
> have you done to performance matrix to come to this conclution?

> For my demo code, I have currently used string operations to parse the
> subject title/content. In reality, an array or StringBuilder class shoulder
> be used when implemented professionally to improve on speed.
> It is performace over maintain overhead, that is why we use good communtiy
support thrid party libraries when ever we can. Unless we have strong
reason, I would avoid writting our own passer. In my experience this emails
can be change over time (i.e: when bump versions of resource managers) so
we have to maintain our code with that changes.


> Currently, I'm refactoring the PBS code to run a bit more optimally and
> run test cases for the other two email types. Below is a link for the gmail
> implementation + SLURM interpreter. Basically the idea is to have 4 classes
> that handle each type and then proceed to parse the messages from the
> Message[] array. The idea is to then take this COMMON data collected such
> as job_id, name, status, time and then put it into a thrift data model
> file. Using this thrift, then create a java thrift object to send over a
> AMPQ message queue, RabbitMQ, to then potentially be used in a MySQL/SQL
> database. As of now, the database part is not clear, but it would most
> likely a registery that needs to be updated via use of Java JPA libary/SQL
> queries.
> https://github.com/chessman179/gmailtestinged
>  <<<<<<<<<<<<< code.
> ** big shout out to Marcus --
> --
Shameera Rathnayaka

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